Severe brain damage is a daily life challange

on Posted in Canada.


Severe brain damage is a daily life challange

Ottawa Citizen

Andrew Duffy




At this year’s fourth annual Brain Injury Awareness Walk, 25-year-old Justin McKenna will be front and centre in his wheelchair.

McKenna suffered a life-threatening brain injury in June 2007 in an ATV accident as he was driving to work at a neighbour’s farm in Russell. He was in hospital for 11 months, and at first could only move the right side of his body.

McKenna has battled for the past eight years to recover and to return to farming and hockey. He’s in a gym six days a week — doing physiotherapy, lifting weights, swimming — but he gets frustrated by the pace of his progress. He receives counselling and belongs to a therapy group to help him cope.

“I feel like I’m getting better, but then there’s times like today when I don’t feel like I’m getting better,” said McKenna. “I feel like I’ve been in the gym forever.”

A severe brain injury is unpredictable and can produce a constellation of problems, including chronic fatigue. McKenna’s speech, memory and motor skills have been affected, but he has worked tirelessly to gain the ability to lift himself from his wheelchair, stand and use a walker.


He continues to strive for improvement and more independence. McKenna is now enrolled in a theology program at St. Paul’s University where’s he’s taking one course each semester. Theology appeals to him not only because God has always been in his life, he said, but because he wants to better understand “why the Lord kept me here.”

He dreams of becoming a high school chaplain, farming part-time during the summer and starting his own family. “I would really like to get back to my future,” he said.

It was McKenna’s determination that inspired the founder of Ottawa’s Brain Injury Awareness Walk, Robert Wein, to modify this year’s fundraising event.

Wein, 44, was one of five cyclists who suffered serious injuries on the morning of July 19, 2009, when a minivan strayed into a March Road bike lane and plowed into them as they pedalled through the early stages of a 100-kilometre ride.

Wein suffered a near-fatal brain injury that has made it impossible for him to return to work as a government IT specialist. He has been forced to relearn how to stand, walk and talk.

Today, Wein is an advocate for the estimated 1.5 million Canadians living with an acquired brain injury (ABI). His fourth annual fundraising walk will take place on Saturday, June 20, at Andrew Haydon Park, starting at 10 a.m. Participants can sign up for a one-, two-or five-kilometre walk.

This year, however, there will be no finish line. Instead, participants will cross a “transition line,” Wein said, and they’ll be asked to do it in a way that was more challenging than the rest of their walk.

“Since an acquired brain injury doesn’t have an end, why would the walk?” asked Wein, who plans to do most of his two-kilometre walk with the assistance of a walker. He’ll use crutches to cross the transition line.

The idea, Wein said, was sparked by McKenna who last year used his wheelchair to complete the walk, then walked the final few steps in triumph with the help of an assistant. “Yes, he has challenges, but rather than sitting in his wheelchair to be pushed across the line, he walked, with one hand raised in victory,” said Wein.

The two men have since become friends. “What impresses me about him is that his disability makes things more challenging,” said Wein, “but rather than giving up, he meets the challenge, whatever it is, head-on.


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