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Traumatic Brain Injury


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What is Brain Injury?

Brain injury can be a devastating disability, and given the brain’s complexity and the differences in the types, locations, and extent of damage, the effects of a brain injury can be wide and varied. Some occur immediately, and some may take days or even years to appear.

The most common after effects of undiagnosed concussion and head trauma are memory issues, drug and alcohol dependency, anger outbursts family violence,road rage and criminality. Any one of the symptoms can alter or devastate a person’s life, and brain injury is made all the more difficult by the fact that it’s often hard to see and just as often misdiagnosed or dismissed as “personality problems” or a perceived mental disorder. But in fact, it is a serious and legitimate illness where sufferers deserve all the help and support they can get.

© Brain Injury Center 2015

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The Human Brain

The human brain in an incredible thing! It’s one of the most complex and least understood parts of the human body, but science is making new advances every day that tell us more about the brain.

The average human brain is 5.5 inches wide and 3.6 inches high. When we’re born, our brains weigh about 2 pounds, while the adult brain weighs about 3 pounds.

The brain accounts for about 2% of your total body weight, but it uses 20% of your body’s energy!

It sends out more electrical impulses in one day than all the telephones in the world, and it’s estimated that the brain thinks about 70,000 thoughts in a 24-hour period.

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Non Traumatic Brain Injury

Any injury to the brain that does not result from Non-traumatic injury any cause that does not injure the brain using physical force, but rather occurs via poising, tumor, infection or degenerative disease.

Causes include lack of oxygen, glucose, or blood, is considered non-traumatic. Infections can cause encephalitis (brain swelling), meningitis (meningeal swelling), or cell toxicity, as can tumors or poisons. which can occur through stroke, heart attack, near-drowning, strangulation or a diabetic coma, poisoning or other chemical causes such as alcohol abuse or drug overdose, infections or tumours and degenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.

How the brain is injured

Degenerative conditions, such as Multiple Sclerosis or Alzheimer’s, attack brain cells in various ways, not all of which are well understood.

Unlike most traumatic brain injuries, where the damage is localized, most non-traumatic brain injuries (except tumors and local infections) are diffuse, with damage spread throughout the entire brain. In a non-traumatic injury nerve calls may die from the direct action of a toxic substance or through being starved of oxygen, glucose or the blood which supplies both of those substances.

Tumours, by taking up space, may restrict blood supply to other cells or may, through exerting physical pressure upon cells, squash them.

Infectious substances may cause cell death through exerting pressure if the brain swells (encephalitis) or the tissue surrounding the brain swells (meningitis), or may kill cells through direct infection.

Viral infections may result in diffuse injury which can manifest as fatigue disorders such as chronic fatigue syndrome.

There are several mechanisms which may be at work with degenerative conditions. In multiple sclerosis, nerve cells die when the fatty lining which protects them is removed.

In many diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, there is a generalised or localised death of cells but the cause is not known, or very poorly understood.

Differences between traumatic and non-traumatic injury

In a traumatic injury, damage to nerve tissue is usually focused in one or more areas of the brain, although tearing can result in diffuse injury.

With a non-traumatic injury, damage is usually spread throughout the brain. Exceptions to this include tumours and an infection that remains localised or that spreads evenly from one starting point.

This can make diagnosis difficult because small, scattered areas of damaged tissue may not show up on a CAT scan. An MRI scan will usually show diffuse injury, but is not often used to the increased cost of the scan.

Some cognitive abilities, particularly short term memory, are commonly affected. Fatigue is also extremely common, due to the brain having to work harder to work around diffuse areas of injury.

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